Tag: gold
Talking Points, August 10, 2020
If you adjust for inflation, gold still has to climb to $2,800 per ounce to surpass 1980 levels.
August 9, 2020
Talking Points: Cash, Gold, S&P 500, Dogs and More…
Cash, Gold, S&P 500, Dogs and More… Nearly 10% of Americans carry no cash on them, while 40% leave the house with $20 or less.
November 13, 2017
Talking Points: Social Security, Stocks, Credit, and more…
Social Security, Stocks, Credit, & More… Berkshire Hathaway now has $99.7 billion in un-deployed cash, the most in the company’s history. VisualCapitalist.com, October 31, 2017 Americans
November 9, 2017