- Leading trend forecaster and seasoned keynote speaker, Mark Zinder’s presentations can be tailored to align with the theme of your meeting.
- Each one of his talks are delivered with a dose of wit and wisdom.
- After listening to Mark speak, audience members will be armed with actionable insights and ways to drive growth.
Note: All programs can be delivered in a virtual format if desired.

Artificial Intelligence: Retaining Your Relevance
For decades, we had to learn to speak the language of computers. With AI, computers will finally learn to speak the language of humans. It’s almost certain that some of the new technologies will end up costing humans their jobs because history shows machines have often disrupted our lives in ways we didn’t see coming. However, Artificial Intelligence won’t replace all humans, but humans working alongside AI will replace humans working without AI. The final step of any revolution is when the new technology becomes invisible by becoming so much a part of our lives that we don’t notice it anymore. This presentation is designed to answer the question…How do I harness AI so that the technology becomes invisible, but you, the financial advisor, do not?
In this presentation, you will learn:
- What is AI, and what does it mean for advisors, their managers, and their support staff?
- What skills are necessary to stay ahead of today’s intelligent machines, and will you still be able to justify your fees when Artificial Intelligence will do it for free?
- How to focus on being more human and doing the creative, inspiring, and meaningful things even the most advanced robots can’t do.
- How to stand out from the crowd by getting your client’s house in order when the crowd is AI this time.
Best for Financial Advisors
How We Got to Now
We believed that once the pandemic was over, we would return to business as usual. Nothing could be further from the truth. What used to be no longer is and many of us don’t know what to think of this new economy in which we now live.
Mark will draw on his experiences of working with Sir John Templeton, Michael Price, and Dr. Mark Mobius to discuss the most important economic events happening right now. He will deliver an informed outlook focused on HOW WE GOT TO NOW and where we possibly go from here.
In this presentation, you will learn:
- How this economy is unfolding similarly to what transpired after the Bubonic Plague
- How we are in the early stages of the next industrial revolution and what it may be
- How our job is to see it before it becomes obvious and how historical events of more than 650 years may lead the way
- Why inflation is falling and why it will continue to do so in the near future
Best for General and Financial Audiences
Is it Different this time?
While working for Sir John Templeton in the mid-1990s, he once told me that the person who says, “This time is different, when in fact it’s virtually a repeat of an earlier situation, has uttered the four most costly words in the annals of investing.” That was over 25 years ago, and even though many of Mr. Templeton’s sentiments on investing remain true today, is this one of them? In this presentation, I will discuss how we got to now and where we go from here. I will also explore the more current events which are not rooted in any historical context that might conjure the question, “Is it different this time?”
In this presentation, you will learn:
- How the Federal Reserve caused the Great Depression and how Ben Bernanke stated the Fed would never do it again
- How a popular children’s book written in 1900 (that we all know) and a movie produced in 1939 (that we have all seen) is not actually a children’s story but a commentary on monetary policy
- Why the Base Effect is so important to understand as it regards to inflation
- How the Golden Age of Labor has, in the past, and will again, benefit the average worker for decades to come
- Why I am so optimistic about the future
Best for General and Financial Audiences
What happens next?
We live in increasingly uncertain times; rapid economic changes, global unrest, and bi-partisan bickering have all led to an underlying sense of uncertainty. In addition to the current climate, headlines are screaming that robots and artificial intelligence are going to eliminate workers’ jobs.
What if they are all wrong? What if we are merely extrapolating the present and ignoring the possibilities of the future? History books are full of examples of previous revolutions that came and went; the industrial revolution, the railroad revolution, electrification, mass production, and now, quite possibly, the information technology revolution. In this presentation, you will discover how we are nearing the end of this revolution while another is just beginning, providing a fresh wave of prosperity.
Now is the time to ask yourself, “What Happens Next”?
In this presentation, you will learn:
- How history repeats itself and will continue to do so in the future
- How the evolution of a revolution unfolds and how it has always unfolded in the exact same manner
- The eight steps that make up a revolution and the number of years it takes to complete the cycle
- Why there are reasons to be optimistic about tomorrow
Best for All Audiences
"Righting" Your Book
The business of financial advice has changed continually over the last 40 years. In 1983, when Mark passed his Series 7, his business card read “Stock Broker.” Then came the titles “Investment Advisor” and “Financial Planner.” Today the buzzword is “Comprehensive Wealth Manager”.
But this isn’t just a name change on a business card; it’s a fundamental change in the way we run our business and market our services. In this highly regulated business of finance, where we all provide a similar cookie-cutter service, we need to ask ourselves, “What am I doing to stand out from the crowd?”
Consider this: today, the average investor does business with six to eight different financial professionals: they have a banker, a CPA, a mortgage broker, a life insurance agent, and two, three, or four different financial advisors. The average high-net-worth investor is working with four different financial advisors and when they retire, they want to go from working with six to eight professionals to one or two. The question you must ask yourself is: will I be the advisor that the money is being transferred to—or being transferred from?
I’m going to teach you how to be the former!
In this presentation, you will learn:
- Proven techniques that will turn prospects into clients
- What to say and how to say it
- How to refine a plan to get your clients’ financial house in order
- How to stand out from the crowd and become the single advisor of choice.
Best for Financial Audiences
Six Common Traits
In this presentation, you will learn:
- A sales process that works in today’s environment
- That clients want to be taught not told
- How to talk in real time
- That facts tell but stories sell